Sunday, July 16, 2017

patting myself on the back

Sometimes doing good for someone else turns out really well (from a purely selfish point of view).  Today in church we were visited by and heard the story of a seven person family who are refugees from Syria now living near Indianapolis.  Over the lasst 14 months our church has donated substancially to help with their resettlement here in the US.  They came to First Pres today to express their appreciation,  It was a really feelgood time in church  So that was my first feeling of doing good for the day.  I know I have donated at least in a small way to the support we sent.  Back in Syria, before their exile in Jordan they were leather workers for four generations. In order to support themselves they wanted to do leather work here. Much of the money our church contributed went to buying materials to get their business, MH Leathergoods up and going.  Having determined what sells here, they now make purses. Well, of course they brought along some of their product just in case anyone wanted to buy a purse. I suspect that it was the smell of leather that sucked me in, but I bought a really lovely, large bag suitable to use as a carry-on when I travel. So now, I'm feeling doubly virtious. After all, the purchase price helped to support this family, right? When I watched the news this evening I learned that President Trump has declared this "Made in America Week". So now I'm feeling triple proud of myself because the purse I bought was definitely made here in the US. I love doing good.

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