Monday, July 24, 2017

tell an old joke day continued

An old man suddenly found himself walking along a beautiful country lane with his trusty old dog beside him. After a little time he realized he must be dead because this old dog had been dead for amny years. Deciding to enjoy the moment and see what happened, he and his dog kept walking along. Eventually they came to a fabulous gate beyond which the old man could see beautiful castles and golden streets.  This must be heaven he thought and he walked up to the gate where a nice looking man was waiting to greet him.  "Welcome" the man said, "Come right in." The man whistled to his dog and they stepped forward but the guard said, "Sorry, no dogs allowed." Well. having just been reunited with his dog the old man had no intention of leaving him behind so he said goodby and walked on.  By and by the man and his dog came to a split rail fence with a rustic looking gate. Again there was a person at the gate who welcomed the old man.  The man asked if his dog could come too and was told "Of course.  All pets are welcome here."  so the man and his dog walked in. He turned to this guard and said "Where am I?" "Why you're in Heaven of course." replied the guard. "It certainly feels like heaven." said the old man as he surveyed the beautiful rolling land, "but then what was that other place I passed that looked so fancy?" "That," replied the gate guard, "That was a test. Anyone who would leave his dog behind doesn't deserve to come to heaven."

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