Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Farewell to drawers

 As it turned out, all that drawer cleaning we did yesterday really paid off.  My husband's granddaughter decided to take, not only one of my queen size beds, but my entire bedroom suite - dresser, chest of drawers, bed, headboard and bedside table.  So that's another big bunch of furniture that I have found a home for.  I do admit to a twinge of sadness as it was all being carried out this evening.  That was the first furniture that my first husband and I bought when we got married and moved into our first apartment.  We decided, wisely I think, that a bed was a priority.  As you may have calculated, that makes it pretty much antique by now.  My husband and I did get a chuckle though as they (she and her dad) loaded all the furniture into their trailer, because, when we first asked her about wanting a queen size bed, she had to measure to make sure it would fit in her room, but now she's decided everything will fit.  I'm so pleased that it's all off to a happy home, and still in the family.

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