Monday, February 5, 2024

let's hear it for leftovers....

 My husband and I are great fans of Wu's Chinese restaurant and one of our wedding gifts was a gift card for Wu's.  I am still not up to sitting in a restaurant for a whole meal, so last night we decided to do carry-out.  We are both very fond of their 'pungent beef' so we got two orders with rice.  Now, we almost always carry home leftovers, so we were not surprised when we had leftovers after supper last night.  We put them in the refrigerator for tonight.  Here's the interesting part.  We did have beef and rice again tonight (equally delicious), but when we finished, we still had enough left over for another meal for two tomorrow night, or whenever.  This seemed very strange to me.  Is this like a never ending meal?  Or maybe just that the fried rice expands?  Whatever.  I'd say we're certainly getting full value out of this meal.  In case you haven't caught on, I do highly recommend the 'pungent beef.'

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