Monday, February 26, 2024


Today, when my spouse stopped at my apartment to bring a few more things home, he found, still in my closet, on the floor under some carry-on bags, my very best travel slippers - flat, warm and easy to pack.  But, best of all, they come from Dukes of London.  If you are ever travelling to London, and I hope you are, I highly recommend staying at the marvelous little  boutique hotel, The Dukes of London, which is hidden at the end of a quiet little cul-de-sac.  Some years ago, three friends and I had decided to spend a few days in London before joining our larger group for a Presbyterian tour of Scotland.  Two of us were staying at one hotel, two at another.  I knew The Dukes was the place for me when we walked in to register and were told very politely that our room wasn't quite ready but would we care to wait in the parlor with some tea and biscuits.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love tea and, no surprise, in England (and Scotland and Australia for that matter) they do it right.  Brewed tea, served hot with milk and sugar always available.  Also, through the three nights that we stayed, there was always a treat in our room. One night champaign, one night the most delicious peaches you have ever seen, large, deep almost ruby red and deliciously juicy, and one night cookies (or biscuits if you prefer).  And as I mentioned earlier the slippers were a gift.  To top it off, they were able to get us tickets to the original cast performance of "Kinky Boots," a play which I highly recommend.  All in all, I think you can see why I was so pleased to have my slippers returned.  Comfort and memories, hard to beat.

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