Sunday, February 25, 2024

still merging...

 I thought merging our books and large pieces of furniture was a bit of a challenge, but we are getting things organized, rehoming (thanks to my daughter for that term) many items, and are just about ready for the big move on March 7.  However, today we moved things from my kitchen to his.  And it seems we have a surplus of lots of stuff.  My spouse, who is trying to get things organized as I write this, has just informed me that we have over 2000 toothpicks.  I think a party with lots of cheese cubes may be in our future.  Evidently we also have several containers of garlic powder and garlic salt, and many packages of Ramen noodles, mine chicken, his beef.  Coincidentally, today is, according to my west coast brother, "National Let's All Eat Right Day."  We are working on that in two ways.  First, we are throwing away several expired cans of food, that were carefully tucked to the back of my cupboards, and second, we played hooky from all this sorting and merging, to have a delicious dinner at Ziano's. Yum!!

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