Sunday, February 18, 2024

the good and the snowy

 First, let me apologize to my faithful readers for not blogging for two days, but it has been a busy time, with some things not going according to plan.  On Friday evening my granddaughter and her SO drove from Columbus, Ohio to move some furniture from my apartment.  I have offered furniture to all of my family members in hopes of having less to move to my husband's house.  I mean, how many beds does one house need?  Happily, my granddaughter wanted several pieces.  They were due to arrive about 5. My husband and I were supposed to take his brother out for a birthday dinner at 5:30, but just needed to be there to let them into the apartment and show them how to use the freight elevator.  Sadly, they had to drive through a snow storm to get here, so, after taking time to rent a UHaul truck, didn't arrive at the apartment until after 6:00.  Happily, as it turned out, we were still there to greet them, because my husband waited too long to make a reservation at Cork and Cleaver.  So the birthday celebration was postponed until Saturday evening.  Are you following all this so far?  Friday evening then, I sat and supervised as my husband helped them load my blue sofa, coffee table and end table, standing lamp, table lamp, small dresser and mirror and one TV into the 9 ft truck.  I understand it was quite full.  After the loading was finished, we took them to dinner then brought them to our place to spend the night because it was still snowing and I didn't want them driving back to Columbus in the middle of the night.  Happily, this gave my granddaughter and me time for a lovely long chat (with no thought of blogging) before I collapsed.  It had been a very long day.  Saturday morning my husband, who is the perfect host, treated us all to waffles before they headed out for a much safer drive home.  Saturday evening we did take my BIL out for his delayed birthday celebration after which I fell into bed without a thought to blogging.  It had been a very busy couple of days for this old gal who hadn't been out of the house for weeks.  

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