Monday, February 12, 2024

My Hero....

 Back in the days before I ended up in the hospital with kidney failure, one of my volunteer positions at my church was as Clerk of Session.  This involved taking minutes and keeping other records for monthly meetings, and, at the beginning of each year, preparing a comprehensive report to Presbytery, with copies of more documents than you can imagine.  It was my intention to resign as Clerk at the end of 2024 because I would be 80, and would have served six years.  It seemed reasonable to me.   Happily, a really, really competent, brilliant, incredibly well-organized person agreed to serve as Clerk Elect (CE for short).  It was my intention to show her the end of year process this year, then let her take over in 2024.  We both thought that was a fine plan.  Weirdly, I remember coming half awake in the hospital one morning and thinking "OMG, how am i going to get the end of year paperwork done?"  I am a believer in small miracles.  Within a day I received a text from CE saying "Don't worry about anything.  The head pastor and I will take care of it all."  Have you ever felt like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders?  I rolled over and went right back to sleep, which I was doing a lot of those days. Between then and now, I have had a steady stream of emails and texts letting me know how things are going.  I've been able to contribute a little here and there, but bottom line, CE has performed a miracle.  This afternoon, I sat down with her to sign some pages that needed my signature.  It was such a joy to page through the perfectly finished book, ready for the Presbytery review, Thank you CE, you are my hero forever.  

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