Thursday, February 8, 2024

Happy Fat Thursday....

 I know that doesn't sound right.  I've heard of Fat Tuesday, and of course Ash Wednesday, but evidently, after fasting on Wednesday, some cultures go back to stuffing themselves on Thursday.  Consider the Polish.  Believe me I am not making fun of the Polish.  My stepmom was Polish and an excellent cook.  But today, according to my extensive research, is "Pakzki Day."  Don't worry I had never heard of it either, until my west coast brother pointed it out to me.  Evidently a pakzki is a kind of sweet pastry, like a donut, but filled with a fruit filling.  Sounds delish.  We actually sort of accidentally celebrated, almost.  After an early morning appointment, my husband brough home a little white bag with two sour cream donuts from Coliseum Donuts, which he claims is the best place in Fort Wayne for sour cream donuts.  You'll get no argument from me.  I hope you all also found a way to celebrate Pakzki Day, deliberately or other wise.  Cheers!

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