Wednesday, August 2, 2017

a great American tradition

When I was a young homemaker Tupperware parties were almost an everyday part of life.  Now jewelry parties seem to have replaced Tupperware as the stuff people want to buy at parties, at least with my friends.  Along the way there have been decorator parties, candle parties, craft parties and more. The way it works is this: one person hosts a party, usually as a favor to a friend or friend of a friend who is just getting into the business. People come, enjoy refreshments, watch a demonstration of how whatever product is being sold works, and eventually buy something because one doesn't want to dissapoint the hostess who will get free stuff based on sales. Sometime during the evening one of the guests agrees to host the next party and the process starts over again.  Many of the same guests show up, buy more jewelry or plastic containers or whatever and on it goes. This evening I attended a jewelry party and I'm embarrassed to admit that I left without buying anything or signing up to host a party. Lightning didn't strike me as I was driving home but I can't shake the feeling that I have tampered with the natural order of things. Ah well, only time will tell.

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