Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Powerball anyone?

I need to buy a few groceries tomorrow and while I'm at the store I'll collect my big winnings from the last powerball ticket I bought.  If I've read the charts correctly, I'm the winner of $2. Which, coincidentally, is just what a powerball ticket costs. I must admit, I will probably go ahead and buy another ticket. I realize that the odds of winning the big prize are about a bazillion to one (I don't remember the exact figure) but for a few hours it's fun to play the 'what if' game. I know, of course; that I would have to pay about half of my winnings in taxes but I'm pretty sure I could be happy with a mere two hundred million or so. I know, I know, money doesn't buy happiness, or so they say. But what if they are wrong? I'm willing to put it to the test.

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