Wednesday, August 9, 2017

I can follow directions

I'm feeling a little bit proud of myself right now.  I am not particularly tech savey but I managed to follow directions this evening.  I had been having trouble staying connected to Net Flix, and, with some input from my son, decided that maybe I needed to change the way I connect.  My DVD/CD box has worked well for years but it is pretty old so today I purchased a ROKU Streaming Stick to see if that would solve the problem. when I got the stick home I opened the packaging, took out the stick and its cute little remote then searched for an instruction manual to tell me how to set it up. What I found was a wordless little diagram and a note to go to a certain website.  I went to the site, watched the instruction video twice, figured out where to plug the device into my TV. Then I followed all the prompts (happily I had all of the necessary passwords) I'm now connected to Net Flix and about 16 other sites I may never get around to watching. I'm thrilled that it works and interested to see that the picture quality is better than it was on my old system. Not sure why that should be but I'll enjoy it.  I am somewhat embarassed to admit that it took me almost two hours to get it all set up, but it works and that's what counts, right?

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