Sunday, August 20, 2017

weather report

I'm not surprised by this, but I am apprehensive. The latest weather reports say that we may have some clouds tomorrow during the eclipse. It is Indiana so cloudy skys are not exactly a rare occurence but we've had so many clear sunny days lately that I had dared to hope.  I have tested my eclipse glasses and it's interesting how they work.  I heard a TV announcer say "Don't drive with these on." Well, duuh... Unless you're looking directly at the sun you can't see anything but black. I tested them looking at the afternoon sun today and all you see is a round orangish ball that looks about the size of the moon.  I will be hoping for the best and standing in the St. Charles parking lot tomorrow waiting to see what i can see. If it is cloudy I can always watch the reruns on TV and should still experience some darkness. Imagine how those people who have travelled to a town in the path of totality will feel if they have cloudy skies? Now that would be dissapointing.

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