Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I'm a winner!

I did it. I bought a winning lottery ticket. Actually, I bought the ticket two weeks ago and it had one number and the powerball number that matched the big prize nunbers. I checked a chart I found on line and it looked like it was worth $2.00 so I decided to cash it in and buy another ticket.  Turns out it was actually worth $10.00 so I bought two tickets for tonight's drawing and still got $6.00 back. I figure this is a way to satisfy my quiet little urge to gamble every once in a while and it's a lot cheaper than going to Las Vegas. Oops, gotta go. They're just about to announce the winning numbers. If I win I'll probably take the cash out amount - a mere $400,000,000.00, $200,000,000.00 after taxes. Pretty sure I could find a few fun things to do with that.  So basically, today, I spent $4.00 for a day dream. Lot's of fun for a little while and it's non-fattening. 

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