Thursday, August 24, 2017

The days I missed

I got so busy thinking about and enjoying the eclipse this month that I completely overlooked some very special days.  August 12 was "Vinyl Record Day", August 19 was "Humanitarian Day", August 20 was "Chef Appreciation Day" and (I don't know how I could miss this one) August 21 was "Cupcake Day". I could have at least been eating a cupcake while I watched the eclipse.  Today though is one of the saddest days I've seen commemorated. Today is "Pluto Demoted Day." I presume they mean the ex-planet and not the Disney dog.  I'm old enough to remember when Pluto was a planet. It's just one of many childhood certainties that have been taken away from me. For example, when I was in elementary school I remember being taught that the first days of spring, summer, fall and winter always fell on a 21st of the appropriate month. None of this fall starting on September 21st or maybe the 20th  or maybe the 22nd depending on the year. Teachers always knew all the an swers, parents were always right, and everything written in history books was true.  Ah, youth.  

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