Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Destined for sainthood?????

Well, I listened with, I hope, an open mind, to President Trump's State of the Union speech.  I must give him credit for staying on script and pulling out all the possible emotional responses his speech writers could possibly have included.  Rush received the Medal of Honor award, a deployed soldier was reunited with his family, a 4th grade girl was given a scholarship to a better school, a 13 year old boy who wants to be an astronaut and his 100 year old Tuskegee Airman great grandfather were introduced and on and on.  I'm curious about how they find these people.  Do they advertise?  Do they know somebody who knows somebody?  It was a good campaign speech and I'm sure his supporters loved it.  I'm still waiting with some interest to find out what actually happened in Iowa.  This is going to be such a fun year......

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