Wednesday, February 26, 2020

is it true?

Just heard about a new study.  Who has time to do all these studies, and who pays for them?  Don't tell me it's my taxes.  I don't want to hear that.  Anyway, this study says that people who drive flashy, expensive cars tend to be more agressive drivers,  I can believe that.  People who drive flashy expensive cars obviously want to show off.  I've been saved from this tendency throughout my driving life because, while I like interstingly designed, distinctive cars I have never been able to afford expensive, flashy cars. My cars have included  (1) a Corvair (Remember those?  Engine in back, tended to roll over if driven too fast around curves - I speak from experience). (2) A VW bus (camper conversion).  A cute, if you like boxes, little bus, but certainly not a speedy vehicle, especially uphill. (3) A Toyota mini van (pre SUVs) very cute. I actually did get a speeding ticket in that one, going down hill with a strong tail wind.  And on and on.  A Corrola, a Taurus and a Rendevous also made the list. These days I drive a very cute, but sedate, little blue FIAT.  It is being a good little car contraty to the belief that FIAT stands for "Fix it again, Tony."  Looking back, I think it's a good thing for me, and the driving public, that I have never been able to afford a really fast, flashy car, but watch out if I win the lottery.

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