Sunday, February 9, 2020

sunshine please!

I'm not usually affected by the weather but I must admit that I am getting pretty tired of gloomy, cloudy skies, and rain and snow mixed.  What kind of weather is that? Years ago, when I lived in up-state New York, it snowed a lot, but then the sun would come out and it was like living in a beautiful Christmas card.  Yesterday I attended a meeting in Anderson, Indiana.  I'm not familiar with the town but as we were driving toward the downtown I found myself thnking "What a dull, gloomy town."  Then I realized that it was the weather I was judging, not the architecture.  Really not fair.  A friend of mine spent the last two weeks in Florida and I really enjoyed the pictures she posted on Facebook.  She's a good photographer and the pictures were full of palm trees and sunshine.  It was nice to be reminded that the sun is still shining somewhere. There are some rays of hope though.  According to the groundhog, we will have a short winter.  Also, a friend of mine told me that yesterday, the second Saturday in February is "hump Saturday." After that the winter will not get any worse.  It may not improve quickly, he went on to add, but it won't get worse.  I shall cling to that hope.  In the meantime, if the sun isn't shining (or if it is) smile a lot, you will brighten someone's mood.  

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