Monday, February 17, 2020

if it works for animals??

My greatniece sent me a YouTube video today that was produced by the science center where she works.  I watched the video all the way through and got to see her explain how she trains eels and other wet creatures.  Not to do tricks for the public but to come when called so they can be hand fed to monitor how much they eat, so, as she said "we can be sure they are getting enough to eat and aren't eating each other."  All very interesting, but what fascinated me most about the video (which covered several areas of the science center) was the care being given to a geriatric giant anteater.  Evidently this elderly anteater (a big favorite with visitors) was having some arthritus related aches and pains and they were treating him with acupuncture.  I had no idea that acupuncture could be used to treat animals but evidently it can be quite effective.  So now I, and maybe you, have learned something new. It makes me realize how much I don't know.  Thank goodness I'm not too old to learn.  

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