Wednesday, February 5, 2020

well, that was interesting

So here I was, sitting n my comfy recliner, wondering what I was going to blog about this evening when suddenly a horrible sound started blaring in the hall. The fire alarm, of course.  It reminds me a lot of the fire alarm when I was a student at Bsll State.  Now that I think about it, that dorm and this building were both built in the early 1960s.  That may explain the similarities.  Whatever, it's a hard sound to ignore, and it went on andon and on, so I put on my coat, grabbed my purse and phone, and walked down 10 flights of stairs (nice to know I can when I need to) to join a weird pajama party in the lobby. We all stood around watching firemen rush in.  Six of them passed me on their way up as I came down the stairs.  All this furor for a kitchen fire on the 11th floor.  The firemen took it very seriously though, making sure that the fire was truly out and smoke had been cleared out.  I'm glad they did.  I'm also glad this happended while I was awake.  My college roommate can testify that I do not wake up easily for fire drills.  I think I'm happy that our nearest fire station is only one block away.  The moral of this story is stop cooking people, and eat in restaurants.  It's so much safer. 

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