Sunday, February 2, 2020

more statistics

As heard on the news this morning: a recent statistical study shows that the incidents of traffic accidents involving people high on marijuana has more than doubled since recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado. Somehow I don't find this too surprising.  One thing I did find a little surprising was the comment by a young lady being interviewed about this finding.  She said that she was sure that she drove better when she was high on marijuana, and that the police couldn't tell anyway.  Was she high when she made that very public statement?  I'm guessing yes.
On a happier note today is Groundhog's Day and the groundhog supposedly did not see his shadow soooo early spring.  I can believe it considering the glorious day we had today.  Were you as excited as I was to see sunshine?  
Also today was a palindrome day with a date of 02 02 2020.  A news reporter I heard this morning said that the last time this happened was about 900 years ago.  I think I've figured out what date that would be.  11 11 1111?  That was 909 years ago.  Is the next one 12 12 2121?  I love numbers.  This will give me something to think about as I fall asleep tonight.  

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