Monday, February 24, 2020

taking the easy way

My brother and sister-in-law are coming to visit in a few days.  They will be here for four days and five nights which means four suppers I need to think about.  Breakfasts and lunches are generally a chance for everyone to do their own thing.  Last year, when they came for a similar, but longer visit, I was so organized.  I had five meals pre-assembled and  ready to pop into the crock pot early each morning.  In the evenings we enjoyed good home cooked meals.  This year, not so much.  I'm making a list of nearby restaurants we can go to.  Actually, I have a good rational for this.  Yesterday I heard of another kitchen fire, in an apartment on the other side of town.  That makes three kitchen fires I've heard of within the last month.  I think it's a sign.  I should probably avoid cooking for the safety of my guests.  I guess I can still risk making coffee.  Maybe?

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