Thursday, February 20, 2020

the month of February

The month of February is pretty interesting.  It's the shortest month of the year but it also claims Valentines Day as it's very special day.  And Groundhog's Day.  We really musn't forget Groundhog's Day.  Who do you suppose first decided that watching how a groundhog reacts when it comes out of hibernation and crawls out of it's burrow into the light for the first time in months tells us how soon spring will be here?  Probably the same person who studied caterpillars that are big (for a caterpillar) and very fuzzy and decided that means we will have a long winter.  Whoever it was, they obviously had a lot of time on their hands and nothing electronic to play with.  Just today I discovered that February is also "Spunky Old Broads Month."  I guess I'm pleased that we have a month of our own but why did we get the shortest month?  Also one of the coldest? I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling spunkier in May.

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