Sunday, February 16, 2020

missing links

Do you remember chain letters?  When I was in junior hgh and high school they were quite prevalent.  A letter would arrive in the mail urging you to send 10 copies of the same letter to your friends and one letter back to the sender. Depending on the letter, not breaking the chain would result in lots of money coming your way (I think you had to put a dollar in that one), a huge number of recipes, unbroken friendships, and so much more.  Some even contained warnings of dire consequences if you 'gasp' broke the chain.  I hated those letters and never sent them on.  Something about being forced to send the letters to avoid breaking the chain really irritated me.  So, as you may have guessed by now, I didn't send them on.  All those broken chains lying around and yet I managed to grow up and live a good life.  Now I find myself having the same negative reaction to some Facebook posts.  Don't get me wrong, I love lots of things I see on Facebook, especially pictures of friends' grandchildren (adorable) and some puppies and kittens.  I mean, how can you not enjoy puppies and kittens? What I don't respond well to are the posts that tell me that to prove I agree with something, maybe patriotic, political or religious, I need to forward the post to everyone I know.  Granted, it's a lot easier than writing and mailing snair mail, but I still find myself having the same negative reaction.  Oops, there goes another broken chain.

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