Friday, February 21, 2020

old, old tech

I needed to send someone a hard copy document earlier today and the person I was sending it to said it would be most convenient if I could scan and email it to her.  I don't have that capability with my old home printer, but now that I think about it, I probably could have done it with my phone.  Anyway, I knew that I could email it using the copier at church and I needed to be there for a meeting so I sent it from there.  While I was in the church office I decided to send another copy via fax just in case the emailed copy didn't go through for some reason.  I tried to fax the document three times and it just wouldn't go through.  Even the secretary couldn't get it to work.  So I sent an email to my Indy contact explaining my failure (because I had sent a note with the email copy telling her I was sending a backup fax copy) and she emailed me back that they don't have a fax machine any more.  Well, who knew?  I remember, thirty some years ago, when I was just getting started in real estate, that being able to fax documents to another office, instead of driving them across town, was the ultimate in convenience.  Our first office fax machine used a strange kind of 'wax' paper.  We were so excited when we got a new, improved version that used regular paper.   So new tech becomes old tech and old tech becomes obsolete. I could draw a parallel to the progress of my own life here but I don't want to go to bed depressed. 

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