Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I'm so confused..

I think I need to stop watching debates.  I just finished watching the Democratic debate and I'm more confused than ever.  Each candidate is the best, the smartest, the most ethical, the most honest, the most knowledgeable and has the best plans for our country according to him or herself.  Every candidate is crooked, wrong, misguided, misinformed, foolishly idealistic and mathematically challenged according to all of their opponents.  They all want racial fairness, term limits, a booming economy, a chicken in every pot and stricter gun laws, or maybe they don't.  It depends on whose talking.  I'd like to think that the people voting in the upcoming primaries are better informed and wiser than me. I'd like to think that, but I can't help feeling that a lot of them are just as confused as I am.  Ah well, I have months to see how this all works out, or maybe I'll just see what's on NetFlix. 

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