Saturday, February 8, 2020


I heard on the news last night that a possible source of the Coronavirus which is spreading through China and beyond is the pangolin.  If you're not sure what a pangolin is I'll tell you.  It's a small animal, similar to an armadillo in that it has scales and rolls up into a ball to hide from predators.  This works as a protection from large, hungry animals but it makes it very easy for poachers to pick up the little critters and carry them off.  It seems that their scales are highly prized in oriental countries for their supposed medicinal properties.  My son, who has been a huge fan of pangolins for years, says that they are the most frequently poached animal in the world.  Now I'm thinking that the pangolins have arranged a pretty awesome revenge if they really are the source of the Coronavirus.  So now I'm worried.  What if other frequently poached animals, like elephants and rhinos, manage to develop their own deadly viruses?  Pay back time!  

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