Friday, December 3, 2021

I feel so safe.

I got my flu shot today at Walgreens.  I had tried to get it last Sunday but was told, in no uncertain terms, that I would have to make an appointment.  I have never, in any other year, had to make a reservation for a flu shot.  But, on Monday I went on line and registered and even printed out and filled in the required form.  Which I dutifully turned in when I got there today.  I mentioned to the nice young pharmacist who gave me my shot (quite painlessly) and slapped on the required red bandaid, that I had never had to have an appointment for a flu shot before.  He said they have really been 'slammed' this week. I suppose that's true what with Covid shots and boosters and shingles and pneumonia shots as well as flu shots.  While I was waiting my turn, without seeing anyone come out, an elderly couple came in (about my age) and signed in to be next after me.  I guess that qualifies as 'slammed.'  They evidently also had an appointment.  My generation is good at following directions.  

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