Sunday, December 12, 2021

more thoughts on baking

 There was a sign-up sheet at church last week asking for volunteers to prepare parts of some meals over the holidays.  One of my good friends was sitting at the table with the lists so I felt a certain pressure to volunteer.  I agreed to make a side dish for (not more than) 18 homeless women. So today she told me she's making meatloaf and asked me which side dish I would be bringing and I said, without thinking, green bean casserole.  It was after I got home from church that I realized I have never made green bean casserole in my life.  It was my brother's specialty and he brought it to all of our holiday dinners.  He died two years ago and I've been missing it, which is why it probably came to mind when I was thinking about side dishes.  My first thought, being of a certain generation, was to dig out my old cookbooks a find a recipe.  Then I realized it would be quicker to just Google it.  So I did, and found about a dozen variations.  They all sound good and they all used green beans and those canned crinkly onions so now I just need to pick one.  I'm leaning toward the one that says 'serves six.'  Three times six equals 18 and I'm all about easy math.  

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