Sunday, December 19, 2021

too much of a good thing??

 I've had a friend staying with me for the last five days.  She had lived here in Fort Wayne for over 50 years, then, four months ago, moved to South Carolina to live nearer her son and his family.  She has lots of friends in this area and did her best to see most of them over these few days.  This has made her a very easy guest for me.  She ate breakfast, lunch and supper out every day and I didn't have to cook for her at all.  Many of our friends are mutual so we did some things together.  This afternoon for example, we went to a carry-in supper with members of a church group we are/were both in.  I know I am old enough to practice self control but, to avoid hurting anyone's feelings, it is absolutely essential to eat some of everything others have brought.  So I made the effort.  It was the least I could do.  Over the course of an hour and a half, I drank wine (I wasn't driving) ate little sandwiches, veggies and dill dip, cranberry coated goat cheese with crackers, meat balls, olives and meat and cheese roll-ups. So far so good, but then we went on to desserts.  After lemon pound cake, a spicy bunt cake with real whipped creamo, chocolates and homemade caramels I was really starting to feel a sugar overload.  So I drank more decaf coffee and ate one more caramel.  They really were delicious.  I'm pretty sure I shouldn't eat another sweet until Christmas, maybe Christmas 2022.  I'm sure the fact that I was sent home with two slices of cake and four homemade caramels (they are soooo good) won't tempt me at all.  I will just go turn off the kitchen light right now, ignore all the goodies on the counter, and go straight to bed.   

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