Friday, December 10, 2021

Not another one?

 Ok, I promise this is the last one.  What do you call a person who is afraid of Santa?  Claustrophobic! Ho, ho, ho!  

Seriously, today is Dewey Decimal Day.  So here's a salute to all my librarian friends past and present.  Sometimes I wonder why I didn't become a librarian.  I haunted our small town library as a youth.  I thought it was so neat how the librarian (who had been the librarian since my father was a lad) stamped the due date on the little card and slipped it into the paper pocket inside the front cover of the book. In high school I volunteered to help in the school library.  In college I worked in a section of the library called Teaching Materials Services where teachers could check out pre-assembled displays to use in the classroom.  I can't even estimate how many letters, numbers and cute little critters I cut out.  But as college jobs went it was not too bad.  Looking back on it, I honestly don't know why I never even considered being a librarian.  Perhaps I suspected, deep down, that I would much rather be reading books than shelving them.  

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