Thursday, December 30, 2021

No competition

 I enjoy receiving Christmas news letters, I really do.  I especially like the ones with lots of pictures of children and/or grandchildren, or even pets.  But my good friends know that, about 40 years ago I gave up trying to compete with all the amazing accomplishments touted in Christmas news letters and resorted to "poems" that hit the highlights of my year.  One page, large print, plenty of white space, something people can read in 30 seconds or less.  I figure my close friends already know what I and my family have been up to and anyone else who cares can give me a call.  What brings this to mind is a news letter I received yesterday.  It was from a casual friend I've gotten to know this past year through Zoom meetings.  The letter was typed, four pages long, single spaced tiny print.  It listed, in great detail, all of the surgeries, recovery struggles and medical exams she has been through this year and a blow by blow description of the genealogy research she has been doing.  That last part might have been interesting to her family.  I did read the whole thing and have decided that I will continue with my silly poems, and the shorter and, considering the age of many of my friends, the larger the print, the better.  

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