Wednesday, December 15, 2021

It's all in how you look at it.

 First, the riddle du jour.  Sorry, but this one needed to be shared.  "What do Spanish speaking sheep say at Christmas?"  

"Fleece Navidad!"  

Today is International Tea Day which is a natural for me because I drink tea every day, and have drunk it in several different nations.  One of my favorite tea related memories happened at the Duke Hotel in London.  My friend and I arrived a little too early for check in, but instead of just telling us so and leaving us to fend for ourselves for an hour, the charming clerk assured us that they were getting our room ready as we spoke, escorted us into a small, quiet parlor and brought us tea and biscuits (cookies to you) to help us pass the time.  I knew I had landed in my kind of place.  

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