Tuesday, December 14, 2021

that birthday gift

 Yesterday I mentioned that my daughter and son-in-law gave me a unique birthday gift.  My daughter's former jobs in the military included being a helicopter mechanic and assembling bombs so you might guess that this wasn't a soft and fuzzy gift.  It's a bright orange tool, about seven inches long with two hard points mounted across from each other at one end and a hook containing a sharp blade at the other.  I have actually seen these advertised on TV.  The idea is that, if you ever drive your car into a river or lake, the weighted double pointed end can be used to break a window and the blade end will help you cut yourself out of a jammed seat belt.  I am pleased to have this tool just in case, but I am usually very careful when I drive across the St. Mary's River.  Of course it is an old bridge and one never knows.  There may be other times when it would come in handy and I will keep it in a convenient location in my car but I think its best use will be to remind me to be careful.  A side thought, if anyone ever tries to break into my car when I'm in it, those weighted points could probably do some damage to hands or head.  Although I must admit Fiats are not high on the list of frequently highjacked cars.  

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