Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I'll add that to my list.

 Today, according to my west coast brother who is enjoying eight degree weather right now, is "Still Need to Do Day."  Since I am a master of procrastination, and have been most of my life, I can embrace this day.  Not only do I put things off, but I make 'to do' lists every day.  These lists serve the dual purpose of allowing me to cross off the things I do accomplish (very satisfying) and giving me a head start on my 'to do' list for tomorrow - the things I still need to do.  Today, for example, I was able to scratch off get an oil change, buy groceries and pick up my mail (I always slip in an easy one).  Tomorrow's list is already started with two things I didn't finished today (church-related paper work and cleaning bathtubs) both so easy to put off.  Many years ago someone told me that procrastinators are perfectionists who tend to put things off because they fear they won't do a perfect job.  I really don't think that's my problem.  

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