Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 Today is "Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day."  When I learned this, I realized that, although I have never actually traveled back, or forward, in time, I have stood on the brink a few times.  When the neighbor and my brother and I played Cowboys and Indians (sorry, I know that's not PC but it's what we called it back then) in our old apple orchard and the corn crib with a 'main street' through the middle, we were there.  When I toured Carlsbad Cavern, remembering all the stories my recently dead mother had told me of her trip there in 1935, we touched hands. And, a few years ago, I stood on the hillside in Israel called Shepherds' Hill, looking down on Bethlehem.  It was daytime, not a silent night, and no one really knows if it's the actual hill where the shepherds watched their flocks, but every Christmas Eve I'm watching with those shepherds.

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