Monday, August 21, 2017

Save those eclipse glasses

I promise this will be my last blog about the eclipse, at least until 2024. As planned, I waited in the St. Charles parking lot this afternoon and viewed the eclipse while I waited for my granddaughter. By the way she said she would be happy to go to Science Central with me so my new membership will be put to good use. I was glad to see that what looked like all of the students came outside, equiped with glasses and were able to enjoy the best part of the eclipse. A mother I spoke with said that they were told to let the school know if they didn't want their child to be outside.  I was able to share my glasses with three people waiting near me in the parking lot. One dad had made a viewing box but that didn't work very well.  We all agreed that it was a pretty amazing sight through the glasses. It didn't get dark here because we weren't in the 'zone of totality' but you could definitely feel a drop in temperature. But don't throw those glasses away. The next eclipse that will pass over the US will be on April 8, 2024 and an area that starts at the south edge of Allen County and on south toward Indy will be in the 'zone of totality'. Hmmm, who do I know with property in Decatur?

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