Saturday, December 21, 2019

It does make a difference

A friend and I went to the Heartland Sings performance at the courrhouse this afternoon.  It was beautiful as it is every year but we got in late enough that we had to sit in a back row, at some distance from the singers.  This actually makes no diference as far as the music is concerned but the speakers are another matter.  I think the acoustics that make the music reverberate so beautifully around the space under the dome makes someone speaking into a microphone sound like he has a mouth full of mush.  When I commented after the program that I had had a hard time understanding the speakers, he was much relieved.  He said he though he was going deaf.  We then got into a discussion of favorite Christmas movies.  The ofiginal "Miracle on 34th Street" and "Elf" were mentioned amongseveral others.  He was surprised when I added the first "Die Hard" to my list.  It does take place at Christmas so I think it should count.  

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