Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Real mail

I love this time of year, and not just for the obvious reasons.  I know it's hopelessly old fashioned but I really like to get real mail.  I don't mean the usual assortment of stuff that shows up in my mail box.  On any typical day I'm likely to get at least one notice that I've been approved for life insurance, two suggestions that I might want to borrow money for the holidays, three requests to send money to various charities.  four advertising pieces and five golden rings.  Oh, wait, that last bit doesn't sound quite righr.  However, during this wonderful time of year I can expect to get at least one real piece of mail from a real person.  Today was a bonanza day.  I received two Christmas cards and a birthday card, each signed by real people.  I particularly liked the birthday card which wished me a "year of great adventures."   I like adventures, and since I'm about to turn 75 (three quarters of a century, gasp!) I'd better get them while I can.

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