Sunday, December 8, 2019

Tried and true

This evening it was my turn to host a monthly meeting of a group I belong to.  We take turns fixing a dinner. The host provides a main dish and drinks and others bring in the side dishes and dessert.  I decided to serve a mushroom, cheese, spaghetti casserole that has been a long time favorite in my family.  A favorite, but one I hadn't prepared for a few years.  In fact I really had to dig to find the handwritten recipe tucked into one of my old cookbooks.  I am happy to report that it tasted just as good as I remembered and my guests seemed to think so too,  They all had seconds.  Always a good sign.  I also enjoy it when everyone around the table gets very quiet because they're too busy eating to talk.  Good to know I can still create a silence.  

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