Saturday, February 22, 2020

an invention waiting to happen

I think the world needs a new invention, or at least I do.  You know how, when you misplace your phone you can dial it from another phone and find it? Well, I need something like that for my glasses.  They have a way of fading into the background no matter where I lay them down when I take them off, and, of course, if I could see well enough to find them I wouldn't need them.  So how about a beeping glasses frame? What made me think about this was taking my glasses off this evening when I got home from the Philharmonic concert (which was excellent as usual) so I could put my pajamas on.  I looked and I looked and I looked; retraced my steps, even checked places where I didn't think I had been.  I finally found them sitting quietly on my dresser.  A little beep would have saved me a lot of time (well a few minutes anyway).  

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