Friday, May 22, 2020

another world

Well, I'm hooked.  I'm watching the second episode of Downton Abbey as I'm writing this and I will be watching more.  It seems that PBS is running the whole series during this long weekend which may seriously interfere with anything else I had planned to accomplish.  Fortunately, I have examined my to do list and realized that there is nothing on it that can't be postponed, or done while I'm watching.  I can multi-task as long as the tasks are relatively simple and don't require coordination or much thinking.  Why am I hooked you may ask?  Or maybe you don't care at all, but I will explain anyway.  It's partly because of the gorgeous costumes and the idea of living in such a glorious house.  Of course I imagine myself as one of the nobility not as a servant.  My real joy with the series is the witty, often snarky conversations between the women of the household.  Such fun.  

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