Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mother, how could you?

This morning my west coast brother told me that today is "wear two different color shoes day."  I didn't know there was a special day for it but I do have a memory of a very embarrassing two different shoes day.  Long, long ago when my daughter was in junior high I agreed to ride the bus with her and some of her classmates on a trip to the ISMAA competition.  We left early one Saturday morning and I admit that I dressed in an hurry and half in the dark.  For some reason this was a somewhat dressy day so I wore a skirt, hose and heels. (As I said, this was a long time ago ) We made it to the bus just in time, grabbed our seats, I let her have the window seat, and settled down for the ride to Indy. About ten minutes into the ride (with no way to escape) the young girl sitting across the aisle from me, a friend of my daughter's, leaned over and sweetly said "Mrs. Foltz, why are you wearing two different shoes?"  I glanced down quickly and, sure enough, I was wearing one navy shoe and one brown one. Same heel height, similar style, so they hadn't felt different on my feet.  I spent the rest of the day trying to hide my feet under tables, chairs, bleachers, whatever.  My daughter, bless her, didn't laugh but very kindly assured me that she was sure hardly anyone noticed.  Really?  Well, maybe.  

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