Wednesday, May 13, 2020

different times

I phoned my cousin today and spoke with him and his wife.  They are a little older than me and I was concerned with how they are doing during this time of seclusion.  We had a great talk, all is well with them, and I was able to ask my cousin about a picture I recently found among some paperwork from my deceased brother's home.  The picture, taken I'm guessing, about 1942, showed my father as a dashing young man, the cousin I spoke with as a little boy, his father (my uncle Elson) and two men I didn't recognize at all.  Turns out my cousin didn't know them either but thinks they were cousins from the Ohio branch of the family.  I have a dim distant memory of the Ohio relatives coming to visit and, as my cousin reminded me, they looked like the Ohio mafia when they came to visit.  They would come to my grandfather's house to visit, in a big shiny black car (usually on a Sunday) and all the family would gather for these momentous occasions.  I'm sure there were women also, but I remember the men, big and tall, like my grandfather, (all over 6'2") and always dressed, as in the picture, in dark three piece suits with, in one case, a watch chain across the vest.  Very fancy for a trip to Woodburn, Indiana.  My father used to tell the story that the first time he drove his father's first car, it was to drive the family to visit these Ohio relatives who lived somewhere near Toledo.  He drove all the way there and all the way home,  That was in 1928. He was 12 at the time.  

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