Saturday, May 16, 2020

master gardener

Recently several of my friends have been sharing, via text messages, all the gardening they have been doing.  It is the time of year for it so I guess it's inevitable.  I've read their posts about weeding, transplanting, clearing up last year's debris around the plants and planting flowers and vegetables.  It's interesting to read about, but if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't miss yard and garden work at all.  However, today, after looking carefully at the long term weather report (several nights with lows in the 50s) I decided to do my own spring gardening.  I trimmed my one and only house plant, put a little fresh dirt in its pot, moved it out on to the balcony, and watered it.  That's it, except for occasional watering, my gardening is done.  I've had this big green plant (sorry I don't know the name) since 2006 and it's still doing very well.  Today as I was reading one of my friend's texts, I had a quick thought that maybe I should add another plant to my household, but I squashed that impulse.  My plant shall remain an only plant.  We both like it that way.  

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