Tuesday, May 26, 2020

visiting family

I got to see my granddogs today for the first time in two months.  I'm pretty sure they aren't carriers of the coronavirus, so I did not keep my mask on while I visited with the dogs.  I don't think I infected them either since I do not allow them to lick my face.  They were very excited to see me.  After two months of having someone at home every day, today was the first day they needed to be in their crates while my daughter and son-in-law were at work,  They both work long hours so I agreed to let the dogs out for a potty break mid-day since it had been so long since they had been confined.  The dogs were very happy to see me.  I'd like to think it was because they really like me but I'm pretty sure there were more pressing issues.  They didn't waste any time getting outside.  I spent an easy hour with them, letting them get some exercise, and then went home.  I'm always impressed with how easily they go back into their crates when it's time for me to go.  They walk right in, I latch their little doors and then they bark for a little bit. They always stop barking before I'm even out the door.  It reminds me a little of leaving a child at day care.  Some children cry until their mom is out the door, then settle down and are jsut fine.  I did such a good job that I've been invited back tomorrow.  

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