Monday, May 4, 2020

The great escape

I feel like I escaped from prison today.  A very pleasant prison; I have not suffered for lack of food, shelter or things to do, but I have missed actually being with my family.  The govenor said it was ok so today I had supper with my son and his family at their house.  It is my youngest granddaughter's 16th birthday and I really wanted to be with her to celebrate.  And celebrate we did, with presents (she loved the Converse shoes I gave her), delicious food and cake and the birthday seranade.  "Happy Birthday" actually sounded much better than it sometimes  does at our family gtherings because the other grandma has a truly lovely singing voice.  Throughout the whole evening we didn't hug or kiss, kept reasonable distances and, at dinner, sat well spaced at a long dining room table.  Throughout it all there was lots of laughter and, at least for me, a hopeful feeling that things just might be getting back to normal sometime this summer.  In the meantime we traded jigsaw puzzles so I now have two more 1000 piecers just in case things don't open up quite as quickly as I hope.

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