Thursday, May 28, 2020

pandemic mileage

Six months ago I bought a new piece of furniture.  It is a love-seat size recliner.  I knew I would get some use out of it, I needed a little more seating in my living room, and I thought, since it can seat two, my grandkids would find it comfy when they visited.  All of those things turned out to be true but little did I know how much mileage it would get during this pandemic.  It is a very comfortable recliner with an extra invisible feature that brings on naps at the most unexpected times.  So it's no surprise that it's the seat I aim for when I'm ready to read or watch TV.  Those things I anticipated when I bought the chair.  For the last two months though no one has sat in my recliner except me and yet it is getting quite a bit of mileage on it.  Today, for example, I shopped for groceries, checked out paint sample colors, put some library books on hold, communicated with several friends and refilled a prescription, all from my recliner.  That's a lot of miles.  Tomorrow I have an appointment to have my teeth cleaned.  Too bad I haven't figured out how to do that from my recliner.  Some things just can't be done on line.  

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