Tuesday, May 19, 2020

doing my civic duty

I plan to do my part.  The govenor says I'm in an at risk age group, which helps my decision making,  Our church has decided to srart live, on site Sunday serices in June.  They will hold them at 9:30am in our large dining hall where they can set out chairs six feet apart and surfaces are easy to keep sanitized.  There will be no singing, no communion, and everyone will be required to wear a mask, They are taking lots of precautions and it all sounds well thought out and probably pretty safe.  But there are some downsides.  It starts at 9:30, and would mean actually getting dressed and getting there.  The alternative option is the on line service which will still be live streamed at 11:00am from the basically empty sanctuary.  I have been 'attending' this service for the last six weeks or so from the comfort of my couch.  Don't you think it would be very selfish of me to take someone elses space at the 9:30 service?  Not very thoughtful at all.  I shall try to be a good citizen,  

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