Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Follow up

Last week I reported on an unexpected visit to the ER.  Today I had a follow-up appointment with a cardiologist.  All my numbers were normal and the doctor said that the medicine prescribed by the ER doctor was exactly the right thing and the right dosage.  He even said that within a few weeks I should be feeling more energetic.  Maybe just in time to be released from our current old age quarantine??  According to the doctor, my problem is a sometimes very rapid heart beat, which is exactly what I told them at the ER last week.  As he explained it, there are two kinds of rapid heart beats. In one case, your heart beats very fast and then you have a heart attack and die.  In the other case, your heart just beats really hard and fast sometimes but you don't die.  I have the second kind. Uncomfortable, and not good for me, but not fatal.  Goody! I have one more test on Friday to make sure there is no hidden damage, but assuming all is well, the doctor doesn't want to see me for a year.  We spent the rest of the appointment time talking about travel in Europe and cancelled plans.  I'll let you know when the increased energy kicks in.  I might even do some spring house cleaning. Ha ha ha ha ha.  

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